Why do I come to
St. Michael's?
Here are some members of our lovely congregation telling us their story
'Love and friendship' - Eleanor
A really warm and welcoming Church - thanks! Elaine
The wonderful welcome Mrs B's nursery had when we had to relocate. - Anna
St Michael’s has been our spiritual home for over 30 years. The congregation is a warm and loving family that has supported us through good times and bad. Whenever we have been to church, we always leave uplifted and refreshed. Of course helped by the fact we have two fantastic priests, Caroline & Meg. God bless everyone at St Michael & All Angels Church.
- Mike & Gerry X
Few words are needed to share what belonging to St. Michael's & All Angels means:
Faithful and unconditional love and care; spiritual guidance and peace.
- Avril
We started coming to St. Michael’s when my oldest son was a baby. My husband and I used to attend St. Teilo’s as students. We even laid eyes on each other first at a Taizé service there . . . .
After our son was born we continued to go to St. Teilo’s, but were the only couple with a baby there. The priest at the time suggested we should give St Michael’s a try as the church had many young families - and the heating was better! We quickly fell in love with St. Michael’s as we were made very welcome and there was a thriving Sunday School as well as a toddler area in church. I also joined the Toddler Group which met in St. Michael’s hall and quickly made many friends.
We continue coming to St. Michael’s as we feel very much part of the community there. My three (now older!) children enjoy coming to Sunday School and SAS ('Sundays at Six' - not the elite team of the armed forces!)
I particularly like St. Michael’s as everybody talks to everyone and there is no 'hierarchy' in this 'middle of the road' Anglican church.
What makes St. Michael’s unique is the blend of students, families and individuals from very different walks of life - but all united in worship and community. St. Michael’s is welcoming to everybody and is truly inclusive - not just a label, but actually living this! This is, of course, all possible due to Caroline, the Vicar, and her tireless work for our church family.

Church Committee Member,
Ministry Area Councillor,
Foundation Governor at
St. Monica's School,
beautiful baker,
& all-round good egg!